Results Driven 1:1 Coaching 

You don't have to go it alone!

You've got your business going, but you know you could be doing more business and making more profit.  You're ready to take your business to the next level but you know that you need some help to identify and build strategies that will truly drive the needle.  You know you need to get the planning process and data driven insights in the right place to truly scale and grow your business.  You want time and energy to focus on what you really love in your business — your product passion, but you know you need to supplement your skills with some hard data.

Let's find out together what you need
and how I can help you with it.

The 1:1 intensive coaching journey is right for you if…..

  • You have a passion for your business and want to take it to the next level
  • You are open minded about new ways of working
  • You are committed to putting in the necessary work to make real change
  • You are ready to leave your comfort zone and develop yourself both personally and professionally
  • You want to gain industry knowledge and expertise so that you can work smarter not harder

What to expect from 1:1 coaching

Create your own success story by conquering your challenges.  We ensure a collaborative approach, designed to respect and crystallize your business vision and build the roadmap needed to get there.  1:1 coaching programmes are individually designed depending on your specific needs and will vary in length and scope by client.  

initial consultation

An initial meeting to chat about where you are and where you want to take your business, and ensure that we are a good fit for each other.


A holistic detailed questionnaire so that I can truly understand the strengths and opportunities within your business, followed by a store visit and deep dive audit to assess short and long term opportunities

strategy sessions

Powerful analysis to align on growth potential across all areas of your business

monthly follow up

Monthly sessions to monitor and assess progress and course correct if necessary

At the end of your coaching journey you'll gain the confidence and knowledge to execute a detailed comprehensive road map for each of the core aspects of your business:  

Strategy and Planning
Sourcing and Buying Product
Marketing your product
Setting your team up for success

all tailored to your specific business needs

Strategy sessions occur the first week of every month on a mutually agreed up on time between 11-5pm AST

If you're ready to turn your product passion  
into your dream business...