Hey there!

You've got a vision and a passion for your product and your customers...but you know something's missing! You know you could be driving more sales and profit without being overwhelmed.  No matter how  much you google, or ask your retail neighbour you can't seem to move the needle on your business in the right direction.

I get this because I've seen this struggle with retailers big and small!

What you need is a little strategy….but not just any strategy…one that's focused on the right metrics for retailers to drive real results.

As a Retail Strategist for Independent Retailers, I've got your back

grow and develop your business in the way
that's right for you…..

We all have different experience levels and are at different stages of our retail journey…..our programmes are focused on a learning preference and stage of business that's right for you….check them out below!

monthly membership

the boutique business builder

Ideal for self starters, and for those of you at the early stages of your retail journey who would like to build solid retail foundations and start off no the right foot.  This self-study programme focuses on setting up key systems for your business, understanding key retail metrics, building strategies to drive sales and profits, learn how to manage cash flow, and manage your marketing and your time more efficiently.  Learn at your own pace with access to a vault of easy to understand modules and templates specifically designed for todays' retail entrepreneur.

monthly group coaching

the profit accelerator

This is for you if you've been in business for a while and want to take your retail business to the next level with more hands on training and coaching.  All the info and training you need to scale up your business with a focus on systems and strategies designed to  build and scale profitable sales.  Gain from live in-depth one and a half hour coaching sessions held 4 times a month, with accountability partners to help you fuel your growth.  Experience  realtime feedback focused on YOUR specific business.  This is a minimum 6 month commitment and is open twice a year to eligible retailers

retail mentoring

1:1 private coaching

Looking for a little extra support?  Private coaching is for the retailer who is looking for an objective deep dive from a retail expert, with customized support to advance their business.  You're a great fit for this programme if you're invested in your success and are ready to take action.  If that's you, learn more about the deep dive programme for individual retailers and secure your spot below.  Due to the nature of 1:1 coaching, spaces are limited.